Tuscano Blood Drive
Community – Wednesday, March 28, 2007
On March 16 of this year, the Central Blood Bank came to our agency and set up shop for a day in our lunch room. We had 20 employees generously volunteer to donate blood. Most gave a whole blood donation, while others gave an apheresis donation. A whole blood donation is the classic type, where a pint of blood is given and it is broken down in three parts; red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Therefore, up to 3 lives can be saved. An apheresis donation is a special kind of donation in which whole blood is withdrawn, one of the three parts is retained, and the remainder is returned to the donor. This is used when there is a critical need because it can be used right away.
Some interesting facts;
- 50% of the population is medically eligible to give blood, yet only 6% of the national population donates blood.
- If all blood donors gave 2 to 4 times a year, it would help prevent blood shortages.
- 4.5 million Americans would die each year without life saving blood transfusions.
- Every three seconds someone needs blood.
- About three gallons of blood supports the entire nation’s blood needs for one minute.
- Shelf life of blood components are 42 days for red blood cells, 5 days for platelets and 1 year for plasma.
- To find out more information about donating blood, go to www.centralbloodbank.org or www.redcross.org/donate/give